Reference k-mer distribution files for Bracken ====== Bracken re-estimates abundance of taxonomic units at given rank based on Kraken's classification result. - Website: - Citation: Lu J, Breitwieser FP, Thielen P, Salzberg SL. Bracken: estimating species abundance in metagenomics data. PeerJ Computer Science. 2017. 3:e104. Built using Bracken v2.7. Command: ``` for l in 50 75 100 150 250 300; do bracken-build -d . -t # -k 35 -l $l done ``` Notes: - This database is based on the corresponding Kraken2 database. See: ../kraken2/. - l = 50..300 are the target read lengths. One should select an appropriate distribution file according to the input data. - k = 35 (bp) is the default k-mer length for Kraken 2, while that for Kraken 1 is 31. - database.kraken is an intermediate file to facilitate creation of custom distribution files. Typical re-estimation command (assuming read length is 150 bp and target rank is species (S): ``` bracken -d . -i input.kreport -o output.bracken -r 150 -l S ```