Taxonomy of sampled genomes ====== The NCBI taxonomy is used by default, but the GTDB taxonomy is also provided. Files: - nodes.dmp and names.dmp: A shrinked NCBI taxonomy database (taxdump) which only contains relevant taxonomy IDs. - Mapping of genome IDs to NCBI taxonomy IDs. - ranks.tsv: Taxonomic assignments of genomes at individual ranks. - lineages.txt: Mapping of genome IDs to Greengenes-style lineage strings. - lineages.ext.txt: Mapping of genome IDs to lineage strings, extended (with subspecies where available). - lin2tid.txt: Mapping of lineage strings to taxonomy IDs. - taxdump/: Original NCBI taxonomy database (not shrinked). - gtdb/: GTDB taxonomy. More taxonomy information is provided at our website: -