Greengenes2 ChangeLog ===================== Greengenes2 2024.09 ------------------- Taxonomy update, Sept. 26, 2024. * This release does not include new backbone or modified topology. Approximately 2.3M additional V4 ASV fragments, previously placed with DEPP, where included which were not part of the 2022.10 release. * Incorporates GTDB 220, including the revised phylum names (e.g., Bacillota). * Incorporates LTP 08 2023. * A revised automated taxonomy integration workflow was developed to reduce the prior time expensive manual process of adapting LTP into GTDB. * Mitochondria and Chloroplast sequences, obtained from SILVA 138.1, which had been previously placed with DEPP, are now expressed in the Naive Bayes classifier models. The respective taxa labels are not present in the phylogeny though as these records come in through placement, not the topology update. Greengenes2 2022.10 ------------------- First release of the new Greengenes2 phylogeny and taxonomy, Oct. 28, 2022. Important: * As this is our first release with a heavily revised process, it is possible there will be some quirks. Please direct any comments, questions, or concerns to Daniel McDonald ( * Detail on the construction of the database is outlined in